Stansborough 8 ply Knitting Yarn and Scarf Pattern Gift Pack5


Stunning Stansborough Mithril 8 ply Semi Worsted Spun Knit Yarn Pack – 5 x 50gm balls of yarn, mixed colours or one shade, includes pattern, (with online access to many others designed specifically for this heirloom yarn ) and story. The Semi Worsted Spun yarn now available is simply stunning, lustrous, soft and luxurious and avail in 6 shades.  The Woollen spun is more rustic and like the original bygone era yarns, each batch is totally unique. This is part of its unique appeal.

Please indicate your colour choice or mix of colours of yarn when ordering

Please note: this yarn is totally unique and similar to the yarns of a bygone era. It is made from an historic breed with a very long staple, therefore it doesn’t pill like many modern yarns. It is perfect for larger projects, as it holds it shape. Please soak in warm water (with wool wash mixed in the water) , then gently spin, this will soften and help set the yarn, lay flat to dry, if larger piece, or hang to dry then warm steam press. Its handled many years of movies, so that is the best testimony to its durability! Happy knitting. Now you have two choices of 8 ply, woollen or semi worsted.

Colours: Semi worsted Kokako (light mid grey), Takahe (blue), Rata (red), Kakariki (green), Raupo (light brick) & Manuka (dusty pink) – Woollen spun only Takahe (mid grey) and  Takahe (blue)

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